She cannot conquer the forest if she refuses to see past the trees.

Yyoln'sae Sretya is a traveling merchant and seasoned "accomplice" who deals exclusively in culture and adventure. Joined by a grizzled highland gazelle named Featherbite, this precocious youth wades the wilds search of the next Big Thing to add to his collection.RP with Yyoln'sae is available in the Black Shroud.

Screenshots provided by @antelopes-and-omens


Native to the Gyr Abanian fringelands, the Sretya family joined with a larger Keeper tribe- the Taelyff- during its grand exodus to the Twelveswood two and seven cycles past. They have been loyal members of its fold ever since.Yyoln'sae wanted for little in his youth and was allowed a comfortable upbringing as a part of this larger family. Cherished and adored by countless aunts and uncles- Gehr'ir Ett chief among them- he grew into an exuberant young man who finds only possibility and wonderment in the world around him.

The Carter

Time came that Yyoln'sae would choose the path to usher him into adulthood and one cycle ago did he choose to weave his thread into the Carter's tapestry. The Taelyff people believe all have something to barter, be they tall tales, gil, or a handful of gooseberries.However chaotic the crossroad, a merchant seeks balance through honest trade. A Carter, in essence, deals in matters of ephemeral desire. Yyoln'sae's desire is to afford any sort of company other than the old beast he's been stuck with.



Umm... Can I Help?
As if taking on the responsibility of merchant and mender wasn't enough, Yyoln'sae will go out of his way for the sake of others. The karmic scales are wont to tip and Yyoln'sae gladly ushers in the cosmic forces of kindness and compassion just like his amma taught him.
Strike Your Fancy?
Yyoln'sae might seem humble and inexperienced but don't let those round cheeks fool you. If you so much as even hint a glance at his cart he will try to sell you the shirt off of your very back. VIEW MERCHANDISE
You Aren't From Around Here, Are You
The Twelveswood is an ancient place where many an off-beaten path has been tamed by a wild eye. Upon these old roads, you find the imprint of... wagon wheels, and heavy ones at that. What kind of hoof prints are those? Surely no beast hailing from this wood.
Where Did You Even Get This?
So, you made a purchase from the boy! Perchance you traded silk or shells for a scintillating chunk of amethyst. Congratulatons! You've earned a little brother for life. What's that? You want more of it? Well, he'll be happy to fetch you more (or tell you where he found it)... for a price!
Seek and You Shall Find
Where some Keeper tribes have seen fit to scrutinize the harsh slits of his eyes, Yyoln'sae does well to remember that the wealth of a man's character is second to none. Mixed ancestry leaves one in a few Taelyff born with eyes resembling that of Seeker kin. Though they are unable to see as well in the dark, they are no less a Keeper than the rest, or so they believe.